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Budapest, Budapest, Hungary
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I've had a great time in Budapest, and as I often find, it was the hospitality of my host that was one of the biggest factors in this. Peter was a little ill during my stay, and so gave me a rapid tour of the principal areas of interest of this remarkable city before returning to his bed.

With only one full day to look around, the thing that stood out for me as most unique was the nuclear bunker built into the castle hill. So, after visiting a bike shop and picking up a new pump with a pressure gauge, and being convinced to let them rebuild my rear wheel with a brand new rim and spokes, I went up to the castle hill and took a look around the majestic castle city before heading underground.

The bunker was pretty remarkable, the tour taking us through 1 km of the 10 km of caverns below the castle hill. There are waxwork dummies throughout, and quite a few of them bloody although not too lifelike. The bunker was designed to contain only medical facilities, having first been made for World War II and then upgraded by the Communists during the Cold War. There were also other bunkers in other parts of the city for government and other services to use. Unfortunately for the proles, they'd have been locked out of the bunkers for 3 days, when the doctors would have then began the ugly task of doing what they could for the survivors. Sadly, you won't find any photos of the complex here though, as visitors are not allowed to take photos inside the bunker.

In another section of the cave complex, there is a labyrinth of dwellings dating back to medieval times, and now a maze puzzle as well as historic site for tourists.

In the evening we went out to a pub for a friend of Peter's leaving party, to go to Estonia as part of the Erasmus student exchange programme. I enjoyed the ambience of the open-air pub, although was very miffed I missed the veggie burger and we had to make a midnight stop for a falafel durum on our way home.

Pictures & Video

Peter Chain Bridge Budapest Street River view Chain bridge Jewish Synagogue Bar
One of several bars in the area that have the squat party feel going on. Even an old GDR Trabant car that was converted into seating! Really liked the place but it was a little early for booze!
Saint Stephen's Houses of Parliament
Houses of Parliament
One of the most prominent examples of Budapest's beautiful architecture.
Houses of Parliament
Houses of Parliament
River Holocaust Memorial
Holocaust Memorial
This artwork recreates a terrible incident from the last days of the Nazi occupation, where many Jews were rounded up and marched to the river, tied together in pairs and then one of each pair shot that both fell into the river. This was to conserve ammunition for the coming defense against the Red Army. The work recreates the shoes that were left behind at the site.
Matthias Church Skyline Skyline Skyline
Castle of Budapest
Budapest, the Danube and skyline
Castle of Budapest
Budapest Castle Funicular Railway
Budapest Castle Funicular Railway
Budapest's catacombs
Nuclear bunker/underground hospital
Nuclear bunker/underground hospital
Alas, visitors are not allowed to take pictures inside!
Matthias Church Matthias Church Skyline
Matthias Cathedral, with ambience
(okay, a violin-player...)
Matthias Church
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