Over-doing it

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Corabia, Romania
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I've a confession to make! For the last week or so I have been "credit card touring" with my German friends. We were staying in hotels and eating in restaurants every night, and riding fairly speedily each day to the day's destination as chosen by Leo. This has been mostly okay, although with their lighter bikes it has been a struggle to keep up sometimes.

Along the way we had a lot of fun though. In a small village we stopped outside a cafe/bar like building that was playing loud traditional Romanian music, but with no signs of life we drank our water instead. Whilst loitering there, a bunch of kids came from all round and started to talk to us in broken English.

One of the older kids gave me big hunk of fresh home-made bread he happened to be carrying, which was absolutely delicious. Another kid gave me a tomato and a capsicum. In exchange I gave the hackey-sack I'd been looking to get rid of, after a quick demonstration in its usage. Turns out the kid was better at it than me, anyway!

We continued on to Calaphat, where we found a hotel and went out to a restaurant. Good Romanian beer and food, marred only by Leo eating half of my chips but I forgive him now.

The next day, Bechet was our resting place. No hotel, but the town hall, where there was a small apartment with basic amenities and Wi-fi, and cheap too.

That night I was naughty and went to bed at 2 am after making bike repairs and working on older, missing entries of this blog a bit, and only to suffer a broken sleep on account of somebody snoring. So in the morning I felt like crap, and after riding the first leg of our designated day's route to Corabia, I was about ready to collapse. I knew if I tried to keep going I'd likely become very ill, so I checked into this pension and didn't leave the room at all.

Tonight I have a couchsurfing host in nearby Pleven, Bulgaria, so I intend to lie in bed a little longer and then catch the ferry across and ride down there. It looks like it is not far.

Pictures & Video

Romanian kids Romanian kids Wagon Danube sunset Calafat Calafat Calafat Keep on truckin'
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