Visa progress

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Istanbul, Turkey
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I should have an Iranian visa tomorrow morning. I'm also going to apply for the Indian visa, and a Chinese one might not be far behind.

Vlad flew back to Chicago this AM. I didn't get much sleep and am going back to my hotel room now to catch some winks.

This stay in Istanbul has been a lot longer (and more expensive) than planned, but I can't complain. I feel like a local already, although of course everyone spots me as a tourist a mile away somehow, haha!


Am in Chicago already. Missing the lavash and pide - and am endorsing the quality of the products produced by the bakers in Ashley's photo! From Vlad, on Sep 29, 2010 at 11:37PM
i hope this is not banned in iran, cos i need to hear these stories! From parastow, on Oct 3, 2010 at 05:09PM

Pictures & Video

Friendly Pide bakers
Friendly Pide bakers
Waterfront Cruise liner
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