Down the valley go we

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Çayören, Bolu Province, Turkey
Monday, October 4, 2010

Late in the day, we reached Gerede and our bikes' downhill momentum through the town told us they weren't keen on stopping for supplies just yet. We rode right on through, and took a turning to stay on the D100 highway, riding a few kilometres before realising we were actually rather low on supplies. We pulled into a service station with attached restaurant, where we were soon accosted by a young Turkish man, a motorist, speaking fluent English, and who had been a professor in the USA before recently moving back to Turkey. It was really starting to feel cold all of a sudden and with the dark coming we had to curtail the conversation and occupy ourselves with more urgent matters...

Enquiring at the restaurant if we could buy some of their bread and some stewed vegetables, we staved off the risk of starvation for another day and set our sights on a hidden spot to pitch the tents. A side road led us to a hill where we exited the road and dragged the bikes to the summit. The night was very cold up there, but the peace of mind from knowing our presence there was unknown to a soul and the beautiful sunrise we were about to witness made it well worth it!

Pictures & Video

Descent through Gerede
Sunrise Misted minarets Campsite Sunrise Iced tent, anyone?
Iced tent, anyone?
Valley country sunrise
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