the haberdashery: adventures: itineraire bicyclette '05

what's new? *London to NZ by bike and boat *Spain/Portugal by bike
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  • Itineraire Bicyclette '05

    Tentatively scheduled for 4-5 days somewhere between the 25th of July and the 10th of August, 2005 (because that's when my brother will be here).

    N.B.: The plan has changed quite significantly as there seems to now be only one ferry operator doing the Portsmouth-Cherbourg route, and it seems their pricing is somewhat more expensive than when I initially researched this ride (joys of monopoly!).

    Take a look at this site for some pictures and a quick write-up of a nice route which might just be perfect for us to try - it took the authors 2 1/2 days (section starting at 7/27/2001) to get from Le Havre to Mt. St. Michel.

    If we decide en route (see how I used a little French expression there?) that the pace is too high or we want more relaxation time, we can detour and visit some of the many other places of interest in the area. So think of the below as a worthy target, but also just a suggestion and not set in stone; we'll do whatever the group consents to do.

    What you'll need to bring along:

    You stuff

  • your own valid passport
  • spending money (we shouldn't need much, at most 10-15 euros per day, including campsites and food)
  • money for the return train journey London to Portsmouth (one ticket for approx £20 covers there and back)
  • money for the return ferry Portsmouth to Cherbourg Le Havre (one ticket for approx £23 covers there and back)
  • clothing for 4-5 days Summer cycling
  • 2 pairs of padded cycling shorts highly recommended
  • elementals protection - light jacket, sunscreen, hat, swimwear, sunglasses and semi-waterproof footwear
  • sleeping bag, and camping mattress (if you're soft)
  • lightweight Summer tent (share the tent with someone else and share the load too)
  • something to cook with (share with others)
  • some things to eat with (bowl, mugs, utensils etc)
  • torch or headlamp (your bicycle lights will suffice if you bring them)
  • any other stuff you like to have when camping (keep weight in mind though)
  • small musical instruments, games and other amusements
  • energy snacks such as flapjacks, peanuts, chocolate etc
  • towel (quick-drying 'pack towel' recommended)
  • toiletries (i.e. toothbrush, deodorant etc)
  • a French phrase book could be useful but isn't at all necessary

    Bicycle stuff

  • bicycle (please ensure it is fully serviced in the weeks before we depart)
  • rear rack and panniers (I recommend 60 litre Ortliebs if you don't already have some)
  • secure bicycle lock(s) - need to be able to lock both wheels and frame
  • puncture repair kit, including tyre levers
  • basic bike tools (suggest some allen keys and a mini bike multi-tool)
  • small amount of bicycle oil
  • a bike pump (these can be shared amongst us)
  • 1 x spare bicycle tube (£4)
  • 1 x spare gear cable (£2)
  • 1 x spare brake cable (£2)
  • drink bottles (at least 1.5 litres total) and frame-mounted drink bottle holder (we don't want to be stopping every time someone gets thirsty!)

    Leg 1: London to Portsmouth

    Two ways of doing this:

    i. Leave the day before and cycle it (possibly taking a train to the edge of London for approx £6), camp the night in Portsmouth and be at the ferry terminal before 8 am.

    ii. On the day of departure, take an early morning train to Portsmouth (£17.50 return), leaving around 6:30 am and greedily taking all the bicycle spaces.

    Leg 2: Portsmouth to Le Havre

    Then we'll rush aboard the Portsmouth-Cherbourg Portsmouth-Le Havre ferry and settle in on the upper deck for an open-air picnic as we chug our way across the Channel.

    Option 1 (preferred so as not to clash with Big Green Gathering, however only 2 days after Dunwich Dynamo)

    depart Portsmouth arrive LeHavre ship
    outbound Tuesday 26 July 2005 08:30 Tuesday 26 July 2005 15:00 Pride of Le Havre
    depart LeHavre arrive Portsmouth ship
    return Sunday 31 July 2005 09:30 Sunday 31 July 2005 14:00 Pride of Portsmouth
    sub total £25.75

    Option 2 (returns the day before Big Green Gathering)

    depart Portsmouth arrive LeHavre ship
    outbound Thursday 28 July 2005 08:30 Thursday 28 July 2005 15:00 Pride of Le Havre
    depart LeHavre arrive Portsmouth ship
    return Tuesday 02 August 2005 09:30 Tuesday 02 August 2005 14:00 Pride of Portsmouth
    sub total £23.00
    (All prices accurate as at 5 June 2005)

    Leg 3 (day 1): Le Havre to Dives-sur-Mer

    Next we'll make landing in Cherbourg Le Havre and decide if we want to follow a coastal or inland route as we head West. We'll cross the spectacular 'Pont-de-Normandie' (2 kilometre suspension bridge over the river Seine), and lilt South West toward Dives-sur-Mer, where we'll find somewhere to pitch and eat.

    Leg 4 (day 2): Dives-sur-Mer to Villers-Bocage (or Domjean if we're up for it)

    Awaking and eating, we'll roll out of town (on the D513 perhaps?) and cycle the morning away on the road to Caen. Once arriving we might stop for lunch and then pick up the D675 and follow it until we reach Villers-Bocage - by which point we should all be ready to pitch the tents and chill out for the day. Alternatively, after Caen we could take the D9 and, later, the D13 and aim for Domjean, which would put Mt. St. Michel in easy striking distance for the next day.

    Leg 5 (day 3): Villers-Bocage to Mt. St. Michel

    Today will probably be a fairly solid day of riding, but waking early we should be able to reach Mt. St. Michel by mid-afternoon and have the rest of the day to relax and recuperate.

    Leg 6 (day 4): Mt. St. Michel to Domjean (or thereabouts)

    By this point we should each know how far we're capable of riding in a day, and possibly have a preferred route back toward Le Havre. I think the prevailing winds might give us a bit of a push Eastwards too.

    Leg 7 (day 5): Back to Le Havre, and Angleterre

    Roll back to somewhere pretty near Le Havre so we can be up bright and early and let's not miss the 09:00 check-in for our 09:30 departure!

    Leg 8 (day 6): Portsmouth

    From this point on it's pretty much plain sailing! If any of the crew cycles the journey back to London I will personally give them £20!!

    This is a work in progress. Email me with any suggestions you might have.