the haberdashery: musings: gordon the solipsist

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  • Gordon

    Merriam-Webster - Solipsism:
    Etymology: Latin solus alone + ipse self
    a theory holding that the self can know nothing but its own modifications and that the self is the only existent thing

    I want to tell a story... about a man (or alien) called Gordon.

    Gordon is a solipsist. I am a figment of Gordon's imagination. A creation of his own mind.

    In an account of Gordon's own life he tells us that in the beginning there was only himself, Gordon, and nothing else. Then at the time that we think he was born he says he created light (as he leaves the womb). Over the following period of time which could be to us hours, days, months etc his mind created the world around him, the plants and the animals etc... and finally he created people, his family, friends and strangers all in the image of himself that he had seen reflected in water and mirrors etc. Gordon, apparently, even created me, who is telling this story about his life to you, another figment of his imagination.

    This ability to create the plants, animals, people, planets, solar systems is a hugely powerful ability. In fact Gordon has the ability to do anything. And having the ability to do anything we must assume that he knows everything there is to know.

    Do we fear him? Might he destroy us as easily as he created us? His friends, who just call him Gord, tell us to be nice to others so that Gord won't be upset with us or forget us, and thus allow us to live on and prosper.

    Now... Gordon might be the real solipsist. He might be any one of the other billions of people on this planet. Maybe he doesn't even live on this planet - maybe there is life out there in distant galaxies and one of those lifeforms is Gord, the omniscient, omnipotent solipsist.

    I wonder whether we could ever prove whether Gord exists or not...