Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Disobedience is the greatest taboo.
Change is the only Constant.
You who are reading this will die.
Disillusionment is basically a sign of Intelligence.
You shall know the truths, and the truths shall set you free.
Nothing is true. Everything is permissible.
Doubt, and find your own light.

Weird Politics

There are three kinds of people - I call them Larrys, Curlys, and Moes. The Larrys don't even know that there are three types; if they are told, it is an abstraction, because they cannot imagine anything beyond Larryness. The Curlys know about it, and recognize it as a pecking order, but find ways of living with it cheerfully ... for they are the imaginative, creative ones. The Moes not only know about it, but exploit and perpetuate it.

Among the listees in this book, the naive, pleasant New Agers and "nice" UFO contactees, for instance, are Larrys (as are normals at large) --- ineffectual, well-meaning do-gooders destined always to be victims, often without once guessing their status. Like sheep, they don't want to hear the unpleasant legends about "the slaughterhouse"; they TRUST the strange two-legged beings who feed them. The artists, unsung scientific geniuses, political writers, and earnest disciples of the stranger cults are Curlys --- engaging, original, accident-prone but full of life, and intuitively aware of the Moe forces against them and trying to fight back. They can never defeat the Moes, however without BECOMING Moes, which is impossible for a true Curly. The Moes, then, are the fanatics, the ranters, the cult gurus, the Uri Gellers AND the debunkers; they are the Resistance leaders and the Ruling Class Bankers, both. They hate each other, but only because they want to control ALL the Larrys and Curlys themselves. They don't actually enjoy their dominance; it is simply part of their nature. Nor are they any less foolish for the fact that THEY make decisions. They suffer a chronic paranoia that is unknown to their less demanding underlings. Larrys and Curlys die in wars started by rival Moes --- The Larrys willingly, the Curlys with great regret. Concepts like "Hell" and "Sin" were invented by Moes to keep Larrys in line; the Larrys, in turn, being far more numerous, exert social pressure on the Curly minority to also obey .. mainly so the Larrys won't feel like suckers.

The Moes also invent myths, like that of the "Grouchos, Chicos, and Zeppos," to throw more rebellious Curlys off their trail and keep them unsure of the real situations. When the Curlys finally die of overwork, the Moes find that they cannot live in an all-Larry world; they select special Larrys and vainly try to mold them into False Curlys ... but it isn't the same.

I am a Moe, though not a particularly powerful one; that is why I know these things, and it is also why I dare to tell you --- for most of you will think it is a funny joke. A few will know the truth, but will fight far harder against my Moe enemies than you will against me, a relatively harmless Moe. My fellow Moes --- enemies and uneasy Sub-Genius allies alike --- will know what I'm REALLY saying, and chuckle in appreciation while plotting my downfall. In vain. ALL in VAIN, boy.

Not one political "movement" makes a bit of sense to me. Political approaches to world problems always seem to require some degree of stereotyping, of forcing people into a mold; even "anarchy" is guilty of this. I don't pretend to know what the answer is, but I've been convinced by Fate itself that it's cultural, not political. The last thing I want to see is a world of one unified culture, but a lot of cultures are going to have to compromise their attitude towards each other if they don't all want to end up slaves to the ONE culture with the biggest guns --- the culture of the political CONTROLLERS of the various "little" folk cultures. Judging from history as a whole, I'd say we can look for this to happen in, oh, roughly ten thousand years. Cynical? Hey, if you'd seen what I've seen, you'd call me an optimist. At least I haven't given UP! Maybe the human race will surprise me. I wouldn't put ANYTHING past this species --- not even success. (I even vote, always for whoever is least popular --- not because I'm behind them, but just to throw a slight scare into the ruling party.)

As the sage Dr. Drummond said, "I am the greatest man in the world; indeed I am SO great that I can afford great generosity: I encourage all others to adopt the DELUSION that they are as great as I. If they truly thought that they were themselves the greatest, they too would be as generous; and then we would all be able to HUMOUR each other, in peace, for none would feel threatened by the now-harmless delusions of everyone else."

Rev. Ivan Stang (in High Weirdness by mail)

Question Authority, Think for Yourself!

The Eight Circuit model of consciousness

    I The Terrestrial Circuits

  1. Bio-Survival Circuit : imprinted in infancy. Concerned with sucking, nourishment, cuddling, biosecurity. Roughly called WILL.
  2. The Emotional-Territorial Circuit : imprinted in the toddling stage. Concerned with territorial demands, emotional power tactics, political domination-and-submission strategies. Roughly called EGO.
  3. The Semantic Circuit : imprinted by human artifacts and symbol systems. Concerned with handling the environment, invention, calculation, prediction, building a "map" of the universe. Roughly called MIND.
  4. The Sociosexual Circuit : imprinted by the first orgasm-mating experiences and tribal "morals." Concerned with sexual pleasure, local definitions of "moral" and "immoral," reproduction, nurture of the young. Roughly called PERSONALITY.

    II The Extraterrestrial Circuits

  5. The Neurosomatic Circuit : imprinted by ecstatic experience via physiological or chemical yogas. Concerned with neurological-somatic feedback, feeling high, somatic reprogramming (Christian Science, faith healing, etc.)
  6. The Meta-programming Circuit : imprinted by advanced yogas. Concerned with reimprinting and reprogramming all earlier circuits, relativity of "realities" perceived, cybernetic consciousness.
  7. The neurogenetic Circuit : imprinted by advanced yogas. Concerned with evolutionary consciousness (past and future), DNA-RNA-brain feedbacks, Jung's "Collective Unconscious."
  8. The Neurosomatic Circuit : imprinted by shock or near-death experience. . Concerned with quantum consciousness, non-local awareness (beyond spacetime), so-called "PSI" or "magick" powers, Illumination.

Taxation is robbery, based on monopoly of weapons.

Rent is the daughter of taxation, the taxation of land by private groups, based on the monopoly of land.

Interest is the son of rent, the rent of money, based on monopoly of coinage. In the "free market," competition would drive price down to the level of cost (approximately).

In monopoly capitalism, price always equals at least cost plus taxation plus rent plus interest.

Monopoly capitalism is not a free market.

The Eight Basic Winner Scripts

  1. The biosurvival winner: "I will live forever. or die trying."
  2. The emotional-territorial winner: "I am free; you are free; we can have our own separate trips or we can have the same trip."
  3. The semantic winner: "I am learning more about everything, including how to learn more."
  4. The sociosexual winner: "Love, and do what what thou wilt."
  5. The neurosomatic winner: "How I feel depends on my neurological knowhow."
  6. The meta-programming winner: "I make my own coincidences, synchronicities, luck, and Destiny."
  7. "The neurogenetic winner: "Future evolution depends on my decisions now."
  8. "The neuroatomic winner: "In the province of the mind, what is believed true is true, or becomes true within limits to be learned by experience and experiment." (Dr. John Lilly)

The Eight Basic Loser Scripts

  1. The biosurvival loser: "I don't know how to defend myself."
  2. The emotional-territorial loser: "They all intimidate me."
  3. The semantic loser: "I can't solve my problems."
  4. The sociosexual loser: "Everything I like is illegal, immoral, or fattening."
  5. The neurosomatic loser: "I can't help the way I feel."
  6. The meta-programming loser: "Why do I have such lousy luck?"
  7. "The neurogenetic loser: "Evolution is blind and impersonal."
  8. "The neuroatomic loser: I'm not psychic, and I doubt that anyone is."
Excerpts from The Illuminati Papers, by Robert Anton Wilson, PhD.

Once I belonged to a group that really had the word. I fought like hell for them. But another group came along and exposed the word of my group as shallow and degenerate. They had a better word. So I quit the first group and lost all the friends that I had made and I joined up with this new group. I fought like hell for them but another group came along and exposed the word of my group as false and materialistic. Their word was much better. So I quit the second group and lost all the friends that I had made and I joined up with this new group. I fought like hell for them. Till this one guy came along and proved that there wasn't any word at all. That I should go off as an individual and grow. So I quit the last group and lost all the friends that I had made. And now I sit at home ... alone, and all I do is grow. It sure would be nice to join up with some others who feel the way I do.

from Feiffer's People by Jules Feiffer

Don't take any notice of what people say, just watch what they do

The Master teaches the Seeker. There are twelve lessons, as far as I have been able to determine. Each of them is an accepted truth in Taoist, Buddhist or Hindu teaching. Or Norse, or Native American, for that matter.

  1. Follow the heart.
  2. There are no secrets.
  3. Laugh at the cleverness of the beast and the beast will defeat itself
  4. Death is nothing to one who does not fear death.
  5. Love, in the pain of its loss, it is finally gained, for the first time.
  6. You, yourself, are your only teacher.
  7. Kindness is cruelty, cruelty is kindness.
  8. Stop for charity, no matter what the cost, and there will be benefit instead of cost. It does not matter for whom.
  9. It has all happened before. Everyone and no one has been here before, and no matter how obscure it may seem to you, " the universe is... unfolding as it should," or more precisely, as it cannot help but do.
  10. There are no prizes worth having.
  11. The ultimate quest has no ending, and that fact is what gives the quest its ultimate value.
  12. Tie two birds together and they CAN fly, if they become One.
The whole thing is pretty loose and haphazard. It barely holds water; however, "barely" is just enough. Once you get these down, there's a whole new set of them down the next path. Lesson #11, remember? Don't expect to find an end to it, there isn't one.


I met a traveler from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings.
Look upon my works ye Mighty and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.

by Percy Bysshe Shelly


If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all people doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim,
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them:'Hold on!'

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Royals - nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all people count with you, but non too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Universe and everything that's in it,
And - What is more - you'll be an Adult, my child!

(modified version of a poem by) Rudyard Kipling

Nothing in the world
can take the place of persistence.
Talent will not;
nothing is more common than
unsuccessful men with talent.
Genius will not;
unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.
Education will not;
the world is full of educated derelicts.
Persistence and determination
alone are omnipotent.
The slogan 'Press On' has solved
and always will solve
the problems of the human race.

Calvin Coolidge

88 Gold Bricks

Teach us your Secret, Master! yap my Yahoos.
Then for the hardness of their hearts, and the softness of their heads,
I taught them Magick.
But ... alas!
Teach us Your real secret, Master! how to become invisible, how to acquire love,
and oh! beyond all, how to make gold.
But how much gold will you give me for the secret of Infinite Riches?
Then said the foremost and most foolish: Master, it is nothing; but here is a hundred thousand pounds.
This did I deign to accept, and whispered in his ear this secret:

69 The way to succeed - and the way to suck eggs!

This is the Holy Hexagram.
Plunge from the height, O God, and interlock with Man!
Plunge from the height, O man, and interlock with Beast!
The Red Triangle is the descending tongue of grace; the Blue Triangle is the ascending tongue of prayer.
This Interchange, the Double Gift of Tongues, the Word of Double
Power - ABRAHADABRA! - is the sign of the GREAT WORK, for the GREAT WORK is accomplished in Silence. And behold is not the Word equal to Cheth, that is Cancer, whose Sirgil is 0=0?
This Work also eats up itself, accomplishes its own end, nourishes the worker,
leaves no seed, is perfect in itself.
Little children, love one another!

from The Book of Lies by Aleister Crowley

Question Authority, Think for Yourself!

The Manipulated Mind by Denise Winn

BRAINWASHING (ch. 2 , pp34-35)

To dismiss brainwashing as ineffectual in the long term is to ignore the fact, as so far shown, that the social and psychological factors and unconscious conditioning which combine to create it may each be powerful influencing forces on their own. In all the foregoing accounts of the Korean brainwashing experience, all the ingredients are seen as roughly the same, only explanations differ.

  1. The soldiers were forced to question beliefs they had never questioned. Their certainty was undermined.
  2. Their behaviour was shaped by the use of rewards and other conditioning processes.
  3. They were led to believe that no one at home cared what happened to them. They felt out of control and learned helplessness.
  4. Degrading conditions and public humiliations served to undermine their egos.
  5. They were forced to participate in their own indoctrination process by writing statements or organizing camp activities.
  6. Removal of their leaders left them without a clearly defined authority structure, and weakened group cohesion.
  7. The Chinese, by pacing their demands and only making large request after being granted small ones, imperceptibly won their commitment.
  8. Need for friendship and approval led them to comply with their jailers.
  9. Induced anxiety, guilt, fear and insecurity led to suggestibility and a need to confess.
  10. The unpredictability of their captors' behaviour confused their expectations and assumptions. Without a "norm" to which they could adapt, they felt even less in control.
None of these stressors is situation-specific. Although the effects were heightened by severe physical duress in Korea, each can be seen in operation in more everyday contexts. The next four chapters attempt to show how circumstances , conditioned responses, physical and emotional reactions can all act to weaken that which we choose to regard as the unassailable self. Rather than the prey of of victimizing external forces, we may if anything, be victims of our own false conceptions of what constitutes individual integrity.


Unfortunately, every individual's upbringing helps to invest him with a set of beliefs which, adopted when too young to be questioned, often come to masquerade as knowledge. According to Hans Toch, the eloquent and insightful author of The Social Psychology Of Social Movements, the combined effect of childhood indoctrination and the socialization process, at its most successful and effective level, serves to blinker an individual to reality and create a dependence on a belief system - any belief system. He can take blacks or whites but not the shifting shades in between.

Indoctrination is an emotive word. Perhaps for most people it is most commonly associated with the rather blatant process of persuasion that goes on in totalitarian regimes or the systematized thinking encouraged in minority political groups or religious cults (that other people belong to) where slogans or catchwords, such as "state control" or "enlightenment" encapsulate central concepts. It has a bad flavour, a bad feel, implying that the indoctrinated person has taken on board the conclusion of others instead of coming to his or her own. It flies in the face of free thinking, the rational weighing up of arguments and such ideals that we think we hold dear. But indoctrination, defined at it's simplest, means to imbue with a doctrine. To "imbue" means to permeate or to saturate, implying a process that can be much more subtle than the repetitious reciting of approved slogans. As authors who have been concerned by the concepts of coercion and behaviour manipulation show, most of us are indoctrinated throughout our lives, often without even knowing it. Beliefs almost "grow" into us. They are then sustained and protected, usually unconsciously, by the physiological and psychological processes of perception.

Hans Toch demonstrates with particular lucidity how indoctrination takes place in childhood, whether it is intended or not. He sees a child's vulnerability as fourfold.

First and foremost, a young child has limited perceptions. The world is his world and his world is largely composed of his mother and father. As Toch says, in a world looked at through this particular lens, "the most casual remarks of parents ... can easily acquire the weight of infallibility".

Secondly, a child is vulnerable because of his dependence. Very early on he will learn or sense that his needs are more likely to be met if he conforms to what is expected of him. If a child says something that fits with his parents particular perspective, perhaps regarding race or religion of the neighbours, he is likely to receive praise or approval that reinforces the "rightness" of the view.

Humanistic psychologists believe that such conformity to the wishes of parents, in return for love, affection and approval, is the cause of much identity confusion later on.

Some fifteen or so years ago when the Denver zoo was going through a major renovation, there was a polar bear there, which had arrived at the zoo before a naturalistic environment was ready for it. Polar bears, by the way, are one of my favourite animals. They are very playful; they are big and graceful and do a lot of nice things. The cage that it was put in temporarily was just big enough that the polar bear could take three nice, swinging steps in one direction, whirl up and around and come down and take three steps in the other direction, back and forth, The polar bear spent many, many months in that particular cage with those bars that restricted its behavior in that way. Eventually a naturalistic environment in which they could release the polar bear was built around this cage, on-site. When it was finally completed, the cage was removed from the polar bear and to this very day the bear is still taking those three steps back and forth, in the same spot, even though the bars have been gone for years.

from Get the results you want by Kim Kostere and Linda Malatesta

Question Authority, Think for Yourself!


If a child lives with criticism,
He learns to condemn.
If a child lives with hostility,
He learns to fight.
If a child lives with ridicule,
He learns to be shy.
If a child lives with shame,
He learns to feel guilty.
If a child lives with tolerance,
He learns to be patient.
If a child lives with encouragement,
He learns confidence.
If a child lives with praise,
He learns to appreciate.
If a child lives with fairness,
He learns justice.
If a child lives with security,
He learns to have faith.
If a child lives with approval,
He learns to like himself.
If a child lives with acceptance and Friendship,
He learns to find love in the world.

Einstein's genius was synergetic. All genius is synergetic.
All Children are born geniuses, but most are swiftly degeniused by the power structure's educational system.
In the guise of education, the system deliberately breaks up inherently holistic considerations into "elementary" topics.

from Cosmography by R. Buckminister Fuller.

The known is finite, the unknown infinite; intellectually we stand on an islet in the midst of an illimitable ocean of inexplicability. Our business in every generation is to reclaim a little more land.


Doll Factory, Gun Factory

A fable for our times (about half past tomorrow). If you believe you recognize in this fable any dolls living or dead, you could be suffering from a warped reality.

Once upon a time there was a factory operated by dolls. The factory was was called REALITY and it was built in the land of POSSIBLE where improbable things often occurred. The factory manufactured guns and dolls, and it was supposedly operated on a self limiting principle. When there were too many dolls, the factory turned out guns more guns which were intended to reduce the doll population.

An improbable thing happened, however. At the end of each supposedly self-limiting cycle, POSSIBLE found itself with more dolls AND more guns than had existed before the start of the cycle.

This unexpected relationship between dolls and guns did not make itself immediately apparent to the factory's doll managers, who were a select group within the regular output of REALITY. Even when some dolls began to suggest such a relationship, there speculation were made the object of laughter. Everyone knew REALITY had been designed on a self limiting loop of the Universal Continuum and that the factory controls had been left in the hands of the dolls by the Original builder.

It came to pass then that the dolls of POSSIBLE found REALITY straining to it's limits. The cycles turned faster and faster. The entire process developed odd wobbles and eccentricities. Parts of REALITY often were attacked and sometimes damaged. The factory's managers took to shoring up their structure which, through long addition and revision, appeared rambling and haphazard. The repair were sometimes makeshift and improbable. Everyone from the highest managerial circles to the lowliest laboring dolls felt beleaguered, the target of threats too large to be understood.

POSSIBLE's dolls began more and more to question self-limiting as a principle. Some sneered at doll control. Great blocs of dolls even openly denied that there had been an Original Builder. They substituted the Theory of the Grand Accident, sometimes called The Enormous Dichotomy.

All the time, REALITY seethed with questions about how to produce more guns and/or more dolls, or better dolls or better guns. Many splinter groups formed. Some argued for limiting guns, others for limiting dolls. An organizational schism developed within the factory. A large body of dolls revised an ancient concept called Deterrent Defence and named it now Sacred Security. Each splinter group developed its own factions. Many argued for such programs as speeding up the cycles or aiming for improbable goals of doll efficiency and gun efficiency. Gun to doll and doll to gun ratios were examined with fine attention to detail. Doll support and gun support became issues of the moment while the effects of such eccentric alternation reverberated throughout POSSIBLE.

A curious transformation began to occur in the dolls flowing from the factory. Some called it a manufacturing flaw and argued for new and better controls on doll production. Discontinuance of entire lines of dolls was proposed and some tried to carry out such programs, but the curious transformation continued. It assumed a major form called VARIANTS. They were divided into primarily into two categories: dolls intended for functions concerned mainly with doll quality and welfare began doing things which increased the production of guns; gun-oriented dolls began to deny the principles beneath their function. It frequently was difficult to tell a doll-doll from a gun-doll.

In all of POSSIBLE there now remained only a few small doll voices saying: "let us re-examine the whole function of REALITY. Perhaps we have been blinded to important parts of the system by our belief in improbable principles."

So few dolls paid attention to these warnings, however, that the mad cycles continued unabated - faster and faster, more and more eccentric. Finally, the whole system came crashing down in one last paroxysm of dolls and guns. REALITY was left in ruins and POSSIBLE, stripped of all its dolls, reverted to a barren wilderness where chaotic improbabilities reigned supreme.

MORAL: If you were built to prefer either dolls or guns, perhaps you were intended only for a limited function.

By Frank Herbert


There is no god but Man

Man has the right to live by his own Law.
Man has the right to live in the way that he wills to do.
Man has the right to dress as he wills to do.
Man has the right to dwell where he wills to dwell.
Man has the right to move as he will on the face of the earth.
Man has the right to eat what he will.
Man has the right to drink what he will.
Man has the right to think as he will.
Man has the right to speak as he will.
Man has the right to write as he will.
Man has the right to mold as he will.
Man has the right to paint as he will.
Man has the right to carve as he will.
Man has the right to work as he will.
Man has the right to rest as he will.
Man has the right to love as he will, when, where and whom he will.
Man has the right to die when and how he will.
Man has the right to kill those who would thwart these rights.

The Law is for all BY Aleister Crowley pp321

Life is a beautiful experiment to solve problems. The more problems you solve, the more intelligent you become. Escaping is not the way.

Belief is very cheap. Everybody is a believer - somebody is a Hindu, somebody is a Mohammedan, somebody is a Christian. Belief comes in all sizes, all shapes, all colours - you can choose. And you don't have to pay anything for it. Generally you get it with your mother's milk, free of charge.

Meditation is just a courage to be silent and alone.

The word "sin" in its roots means forgetfulness. It has nothing to do with sin as we have come to understand it. To forget yourself is the only sin, And to remember yourself is the only virtue.

You were born as nobody and you will die as nobody. And between these two points of nobodiness you remain nobody, just deceiving yourself that you are this and you are that.

At the age of fourteen, one is sexually mature - mind starts functioning in a totally different way; the body starts functioning in a totally different way. Fourteen is the biological age for man: he is now able to produce children. As far as biology is concerned, man has come of age.

That is why the psychological age of humanity remains at fourteen: because now biology takes no interest in your psychological development unless you yourself are interested. Nature has brought you up to that point for it's own purposes, for reproduction; its work is done. It is now only up to you if you want to be a seeker, to grow psychologically, to grow in your awareness. If you want a spiritual experience then everything is left to you; now it is up to you, nature has ended its work.

And because nature has stopped, 99.9 percent of people stop with nature. They were not evolving, it was the push of nature that brought them up to the age of fourteen.

For the enlightened person, everything that is going on is a circus. There is no need for him to purchase a ticket - his problem is how to get out of the circus! He does not want to go to the movie, he wants to get out!

More Gold Nuggets by Osho Rajneesh

Government is very simple, my son. They steal your money - which is called taxation - and then they hire cops and build jails. Then they use the cops and jails to terrorize you, so that they can steal more of your money, to hire more cops and build more jails, to terrorize you further, so they can steal more of your money ...
But is that all?
Oh, they also use your money to hire soldiers, to conquer other countries, to steal their natural resources, so that they have more money to hire more cops and more soldiers. Then with more cops and soldiers they can rob more people inside and outside the country. It's called the Protection Racket, my son.

Terrorist, noun.

Band of thieves and murderers found on primitive planets with type G suns; groups who act like governments.
Governments, noun.
Band of thieves and murderers found on primitive planets with type G suns; groups who act like terrorists.

from Reality is what you can get away with by Robert A. Wilson.

The only function of a political party is to line its own pocket and keep itself in office at the expense of the common good

from The Politics of Ecstasy by Timothy Leary PhD.

Question Authority, Think for Yourself!


The table below shows three models of OWNERSHIP: The first is the Model of God; the second, derived from the first, is them Model of Society and its Caretakers. The third is the Model of the Cyber-Shaman


Model ONE		Model TWO		Model THREE
God OWNS Man		Society OWNS Man	Man OWNS Hirself
God is the centre	Society is the centre 	Life is the centre 
and perfect		and perfect
Man is Sinful		Man is Sick		Man is ?
Religion		Law			Philosophy
Priest			Politician/Doctor	Cyber-Philosopher/Adventurer
Sin/			Pathology &		Functionality &
Pathology		Rebelliousness		Good Will
God is Studied		Man is Studied		Life is Studied
One Up/			One Up/			Shifting Systems of
One Down		One Down		Probabilistic Truth
Oppression		Oppression		Essential Cooperation
Adaptation to		Adaptation to		Grow to Possibilities
God's Will		Society Will		of Self

One purpose of this OWNERSHIP TABLE is to help the individual gain insight into the fundamentalist attitude of OWNERSHIP. Only when man OWNS HIRSELF is the dehumanizing process of slavery non existent. The notion of OWNERSHIP, be it explicit or tacit, is the KEY CONCEPT which determines what is thought of as a problem and what solutions can be offered. If we accept the Model of the Cyber-Shaman (that Man OWNS Hirself), 95 percent of the so-called problems -- which we read about in newspapers, hear on the radio, watch on television and discuss with friends -- DO NOT EXIST. Thus, all proposed SOLUTIONS for these PSEUDO-PROBLEMS are MEANINGLESS. The concept of OWNERSHIP starts in the cradle and does not end, even in the grave.

Thus, our solution is not eradication of
but rather

from Undoing Yourself with energized meditation by Christopher S. Hyatt

from The tree of Lies (becoming who you are) by Christopher S. Hyatt

We will see that unlike popular belief, people do not act upon the world, but instead, upon representations of the world. These representations are made or constructed based on what is perceived through the senses. We are never in direct contact with the world at large, but instead, we are always one step removed via the information being filtered through our senses. We therefore build maps of the world and act as though these maps are the world itself. Most people consider the map as actually being reality, instead of taking into account that these maps are only representations. Therefore, it is important to realize that the map is not the territory.

Important characteristics of maps should be noted. A map is not the territory it represents, but, if correct, it has a similar structure to the territory, which accounts for it's usefulness.

No two people create identical maps for the same territory. These maps are somewhat indivdiualized and necessarily so. Most of us, however, having similarities in these maps, are able to agree upon the structure of the territory enough to have a consensus or shared reality. In considering these maps we need to make note of what bandler and Grinder call contraints of the model or map. "The Physical world remains constant, and our experience of it shifts dramatically as a function of our nervous system."

Anything that we as individuals perceive, believe, and/or have as items in our personal history, offer us both a vast storehouse of resources and a number of restrictions. This is the logical outcome of the fact that we build maps and, in so doing so, consciously or unconsciously, by the very existence of the process of "modelling", select from an infinite variety of sensory experience, the items that will be represented in those maps.

from Get the results you want by Kim Kostere and Linda Malatesta

.... all babies are born geniuses and only become degeniused by the erosive effects of unthinkingly maintained false assumptions of grown-ups, with their conventional ways of "bringing up" and "educating" their young. We now know that schools are the least favourable enviroment for learning.

from Critical path By R. Buckminster Fuller

PROLOGUE "Mister, do you know where ducks come from?" A very wide-eyed five year old girl sat on her heels and stared after a trail of ducklings gliding effortlessly across the murky pond.

"Well," I started, staying where I was behind her and careful not to disturb the small stranger in her deep thought, "they come from eggs, laid by the mother duck, the big one in front of all those little ducks." I stopped there, hoping the general answer would suffice and she would want to carry on with the dialogue.

The girl swung around. Her eyes ablaze with disgust and impatience. She put her stubby baby-fat-covered hands on her waist and in her most 'teacher-mother' manner shouted, "Boy! are you d-u-m-b! You don't know nothin'."

I was shocked by her attack.
"They come from there" she said, pointing to a clump of bushes at pool-side, "And they're goin' to there". She pointed at another clump on the other side.
It's clear each of us was in a different reality. Each of us chose what 'coming from' referred to and how the ducks related to that interpretation.
I could have responded, "The ducks started out there, behind that clump of bushes and it appears they are headed for that one over there". And my protagonist would have been just as upset with me.
"Hey, you don't know nothin'. They come from an egg laid by their mother - the big thing in front of the line."

That I am able to recognize options, to change context of - "where ducks come from" - is the power of intelligence. One of us, in this case (it was me) knows the power of choice. I may choose one (as I did in this case) that doesn't match the reality of the enviroment (the questioning girl). But that's o.k. I can choose to stay with my own reality, or because I want to support both of us (the girl and me) becoming more sophisticated in our relationship, seek a common reality, One we both choose. And so I respond ...
"hey, you really know a lot about ducks. Do you also know where they come from before they left that clump of bushes over there?"
"Naw - who cares", was her retort.
"I care and I think I know". Now I was piquing her curiousity.
Then I went through some fantasies centered on the geography of the pond and got back to a time and place where the ducklings hatched and before that a time and place where the eggs were laid and so forth. Now the concept of "where did they come from" included both of ours. We were both enriched for the exploration. We knew so much more together than we did separately. She participated in the fantasy and came up with even better ideas about where ducks "live and move and have their being" at the pond's edge and across it.


When we accept our knowing, we accept our power as human beings. When we accept our completeness, our wholeness at birth, we accept our power of interdependency. Our acceptance, and therefore our choosing to accept, is learning. Learning is determining what reality is for me. Determining reality is a manifestation of intelligence ... and accepting my power to change, to grow, to evolve into a higher, more complex version of myself and the collective (powerful other selves) is the


from The Alchemy of Intelligence
by Waren Dohemann and melvin Suhd

What impressed me about don Juna was that he did not make a point of being weak and helpless, and just being around him insured an unfavourable comparison between his way of behaving and mine ....

"You're plagued with problems," he said. "Why?"
"I'm only a man, don Juna," I said peevishly.
I made the statement in the same vein my father used to make it. Whenever he said he was only a man he implicitly meant he was weak and helpless and his statement, like mine, was filled with an ultimate sense of despair.
Don peered at me as he had done the first day we met.
"You think about yourself too much," he said and smiled .... "Therefore, all you have is problems. I'm only a man too, but I don't mean that the way you do .... I've vanquished my problems. Too bad my life is so short that I can't grab onto all things I would like to. But that's not the issue; it's only a pity."
I liked the tone of his statement. There was no despair or self-pity in it.

from A separate Reality by Carlos Castaneda

In the 16th century an American Indian, according to an old story (by Voltaire), wandered into a building of the Inquisition in Spain. He saw people trying to convince others to change their statements about God, and the others refusing in the face of torture and death. The Indian was puzzled by both groups of people. Why should one group want to change the statements of another on this subject, and why should the second group refuse?

It is clear that the Indian and the Spaniard described, perceived, and reacted to reality quite differently. The members of the Inquisition and their victims saw an eternity of afterlife as an important part of reality and their present behaviour as determining how they would spend it. The viewpoint was clear: A short period of pain was nothing compared to an eternity of bliss or torment. The Indian did not see this as part of reality and so was completely confused by their behaviour. Both the Indian and the Spaniards stood on the same portions of the earth, under the same sky, breathed the same air, and lived in quite different realities. Each culture had been taught to perceive reality in a different way and felt that its way was the truth. If you come to the conclusion that one was right and the other wrong, you are saying that the reality one perceived is closer to the reality you have been taught to believe than is that of the other.

The problem is not just one of an encounter of realities in Spain in the 16th century. A father and a son today discussing what the son should do now that he has finished high school might well face a similar situation. In the father's reality, the son should go to college, work hard, learn a skill or profession, find a useful place in the culture he lives in, get married. amass enough worldly goods so he can live comfortably and safely, and make a contribution to society in a way that will be both useful to others and help maintain the society that supports him. In the son's reality, he should take time to find out who he really is -- what likes, dislikes, aptitude, and styles most reflect his own personality -- and seek a life that most gardens and grows his own unique being. In this view safety, happiness, and the best life come from internal harmony and from harmony between his natural style and his behaviour, rather than from outside factors such as safe and approved work, insurance policies, and the like. If you come to the conclusion that one of these two views is more correct than the other, you are stating that one is closer to your reality than the other.

excerpt from Alternate Realities by Lawrence LeShan

ECSTASY: The experience of attaining freedom from limitations, either self-imposed or external; a state of exalted delight in which normal understanding is felt to be surpassed. From the Greek "ex-stasis". By definition, ecstasy is a ongoing on/off process. It requires a continual sequence of "dropping out." On those occasions when many individual share the ecstatic experience at the same time, they create a brief lived "counter-culture."
SYNONYM: Euphoria, high, rush, delight, bliss, elation, enchantment, joy, nirvana, rapture.
STASIS: Standing, a standstill.

The Seven Tongues of God

The religious experience is the ecstatic, incontrovertibly certain, subjective discovery of answers to seven basic spiritual questions.

  1. The Ultimate Power Question
    What is the basic energy underlying the universe - the ultimate power that moves the galaxies and nucleus of the atom? Where and how did all begin? What is the cosmic plan? Cosmology.
  2. The Life Question
    What is life? Where and how did it begin? How is it evolving? Where is it going? Genesis, biology, evolution, genetics.
  3. The Human Being Question
    Who is man? Whence did he come? What is his structure and function? Anatomy and physiology. 4) The Awareness Question
    How does man sense, experience, know? Epistemology and neurology.
  4. The Ego Question
    Who am I? What is my spiritual, psychological, social place in the plan? What should I do about it? Social Psychology.
  5. The Emotional Question
    What should I feel about it? Psychiatry. Personality psychology.
  6. The Ultimate Escape Question How do I get out of it? Anesthesiology (amateur or professional). Eschatology.

Now one important fact about these questions is that they are being continually being answered and reanswered, not only by all the religions of the world but also by the data of the natural sciences. Read the questions again from the standpoint of the goals of (1) astronomy-physics, (2) biochemistry, genetics, paleontolgy, and evolutionary theory (3) anatomy and physiology, (4) neurology, (5) sociology, psychology, (6) psychiatry, (7) echatological theology and anesthesiology.

We are all aware of the unhappy fact that both science and religion are too often diverted towards secular-game goals. Various pressures demand that the laboratory and church forget these basic questions and instead provide distractions, illusionary protection, narcotic comfort. Most of us dread confrontation with the answers to these basic questions, whether the answers come from objective science or religion. But if "pure" science and religion address themselves to the same basic questions, what is the distinction between the two disciplines? Science is the systematic attempt to record and measure the energy process and the sequence of energy transformations we call life. The goal is to answer the basic questions in terms of objective, observed, public data. Religion is the systematic attempt to provide answers TO THE SAME QUESTIONS subjectively, in terms of direct, incontrovertible, personal experience.


Drugs are the Religion of the people -The only Hope is Dope

From the theological standpoint, everybody must discover the seven faces of God within his/her own body. This task, which may at first glance seem fantastically utopian, is actually very easy to initiate because there now exists instruments which can move consciousness to any desired level. The laboratory equipment for experimental theology, for internal science, is of course made of the stuff of consciousness itself, made of the same material as the data to be studied. The instruments of systematic religion are chemicals. Drugs. Dope. If you are serious about your religion, if you really wish to commit yourself to the spiritual quest, you must learn how to use psycho-chemicals. Drugs are the religion of the twenty-first century. Pursuing the religious life today without using psychedelic drugs is like studing astronomy with the naked eye because that's how they did it in the first century A.D., and besides, telescopes are unnatural.

There are specific drugs to turn on each level of Consciousness

7) The Anesthetic State

is produced by narcotics, barbiturates, and large doses of alcohol. Anyone can reach the void by self-administration of stupefacients. Most Americans know just how to pass out.

6) The state of Emotional Stupor

is produced by moderate doses of alcohol. Three martinis do nicely.

5) The state of Ego Consciousness

is enhanced by pep pills, energizers consumed daily by millions of Americans. Pep pills make you feel good. Make you feel active. They change nothing, but they propel you into game motion. Coffee, tea and Coca-Cola are mild versions.

4) The state of Sensory Awareness

is produced by any psychedelic drug - LSD, mescaline, psilocybin, MDA, yaje, hashish, sernyl, DMT - but the specific, direct trigger for turning on the senses is marijuana.

3) The state of Somatic Awareness

is attained by any psychedelic drug stronger than marijuana but specific triggers for cakra consciousness are hashish and MDA.

2) The Cellular Level of Consciousness

is attained by any other the stronger psychedelics -peyote, LSD, mescaline, psilocybin.

1) The Atomic-Electronic Level of Consciousness

is produced by the most powerful psychedelics - LSD, STP, DMT.

The Seven Religious Yogas

The psychedelic experience, far from being new, is man's oldest and most classic adventure into meaning. Every religion in world history was founded on the basis of some flipped-out visionary trip. Religion is the systematic attempt at focusing man's consciousness. Comparative religion should concern itself less with the esoteric and academic differences and more with studing the different levels of consciousness turned on by each religion. We see that there are seven approaches employed by the great world religions.

Seven Dialects of God.

1) Buddhism attempts to transcend life and cellular manifestations and to strive towards the white light of the void, the unitary atomic-electronic flash beyond form.

2) Hinduism is a vegetative jungle of reincarnation imagery. Clearly cellular. Evolutionary. Genetic.

3) Tantra (Tibetan, Bengali) focuses on somatic energy (Kundalini) and cakra consciousness.

4) Zen, Hasidic Judaism, Sufism and Early Christianity used methods for centering sensual energy.

5) Protestantism and Talmudic Judaism are the classic ego religions. Logic and hard work and Main Street practicality will get you to heaven.

6) Middle-class Catholicism and devil-oriented fundamentalist sects are based on the arousal of emotion - fear.

7) Suicide and death cults

The Politics of Revelation

In the current hassle over psychedelic plants and drugs, you are witnessing is a good, old-fashioned, traditional, religious controversy. One one side the psychedelic visionaries, somewhat uncertain about the validity of their revelations, embarrassedly speaking in new tongues (there never is, you know, the satisfaction of a sound, right academic language for the new vision of the divine), harassed by the knowledge of their own human frailty, surrounded by the inevitable legion of eccentric would be followers looking for new panacea, always in grave doubt about their own motivation - hero? martyr? crank? crackpot? - always on the verge of losing their material achievements - job, reputation, long-suffering wife, conventional friends, parental approval - always under the fire of the power holders. And on the other side the establishment (the administrators, the police, the fund granting foundations, the job givers) pronouncing their familiar lines in the drama: "Danger! Madness! Unsound! Intellectual corruption of youth! Irreparable damage! Cultism!" The issue of chemical expansion of consciousness is hard upon us. During the last few years, every avenue of propaganda has barraged you with arguments. You can hardly escape it. You are going to be pressed for a position. Internal freedom is becoming a major religious and civil rights controversy.

How can you decide? How can you judge? Well, it's really quite simple. Whenever you hear anyone sounding off on internal freedom and consciousness- expanding foods and drugs - whether pro or con - check out these questions:

1) Is your expert talking from direct experience, or simply repeating cliches? Theologians and intellectuals often deprecate "experience" in favour of fact and concept. The classic debate is falsely labeled. Most often it becomes a case of "experience" versus "inexperience".

2) Do his words spring from a spiritual or from a mundane point of view? Is he motivated by a dedicated quest for answers to basic questions, or is he protecting his own social-psychological position, his own game investment? Is he struggling towards sainthood, or is he maintaining his status as a hard- boiled scientists or hard-boiled cop?

3) How would his argument sound if it were heard in a different culture (for example, in an African jungle hut, a ghat on the Ganges, or on another planet inhabited by a form of life superior to ours) or in a different time (for example, in Periclean Athens, or in a Tibetan monastery, or in a bull session led by any one of the great religious leaders - founders - messiahs)? Or how would it sound to another species of life on our planet today - to dolphins, to the consciousness of a redwood tree? In other words, try to break out of your usual tribal game set and listen with the ears of another one of God's creatures.

4) How would the debate sound to you if you if you were fatally diseased with a week to live, and thus less committed to mundane issues? Our research group receives many requests a week for consciousness-expanding experiences, and some of these come from terminal patients.

5) Is the point of view one which opens up or closes down? Are you being urged to explore, experience, gamble out of spiritual faith, join someone who shares your cosmic ignorance on a collaborative voyage of discovery? Or are you being pressured to close off, protect your gains, play it safe, accept the authoritative voice of someone who knows best?

6) When we speak, we say little about the subject matter and disclose mainly the state of our own mind. Does your psychedelic expert use terms which are positive, pro-life, spiritual, inspiring, opening, based on faith in the future, faith in your potential, or does he betray a mind obsessed by danger, material concern, by imaginary terrors, administrative caution or essential distrust in your potential? Dear friends, there is nothing in life to fear; no spiritual game can be lost.

7) If he is against what he calls "artificial methods of illumination," ask him what constitutes the natural. Words? Rituals? Tribal customs? Alkaloids? Psychedelic vegetables? 8) If he is against biochemical assistance, where does he draw the line? Does he use nicotine? alcohol? penicillin? vitamins? conventional sacremental substances?

9) If your advisor is against LSD, what is he for? If he forbids you the psychedelic key to revelation, what does he offer you instead?

from The Politics of Ecstasy by Timothy Leary

Practise random kindness and senseless acts of beauty

To assist those who are either considering joining a "spiritual group" or "religious cult"... or ... considering leaving one, the following guidelines are offered:


(On a scale of 1-5, with 5 being absolute yes and 1, absolute no, check off the underlying areas of evaluation.)
    degree by which the group and.or leader(s) claim ultimate knowledge about the nature of reality.
  2. POWER
    degree by which group and/or leader(s) offer power and status as a result of joining the group as a member.
  3. MONEY
    degree by which your finances are involved to support your membership in this group and its leader(s).
    degree of internal hierarchy or distance between new members and leader(s) ..... pressures for attaining position.
    degree by which members must follow the group's morality and ethical code over their own; also the degree of dogma and philosophical rigidity.
    degree of control leaders exercise over members' style of communicating; degree of inhibition towards outside ideas about the group, its dogmas and leaders.
  7. FEAR
    degree of concern over real or imagined enemies; also degree by which humor is forbidden in relation to group dogmas, etc.
from Angel Tech by Antero Alli
Question Authority, Think for Yourself!

Nothing is true. Everything is permissible

Love is the law,
love under will.

Last updated Mon Dec 1 20:04:39 GMT 1997 by