Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Disobedience is the greatest taboo.
Change is the only Constant.
You who are reading this will die.
Disillusionment is basically a sign of Intelligence.
You shall know the truths, and the truths shall set you free.
Nothing is true. Everything is permissible.
Doubt, and find your own light.

1	If your personality were programmed to accept contradictions as
	natural, and if it did not react, you could not experience negative
	emotion or anguish
2	The circumstances of life have no particular quality, either positive
	or negative. They are neutral. Don't resist them, even the ones that
	scare you silly. When faced with adversity, buy the solution - not the
	emotion. Teach that to others.
3	Don't use emotion as a self-indulgent tool to attract attention or to
	make yourself and your ideas important. Instead, act powerfully and
	concisely. Be active. Create energy, give of yourself. Let others need
	you, rather than you needing them and acting to win their approval.
4	All fear is nothing more than the ego's expectancy of an upcoming
	contradiction. Most of it is not real. Dissipate its power by refusing
	to buy the emotion. Make fear your friend. Talk to it. Accommodate it as
	a helper and ally and most of your fear will change or disappear
5	Confusion is a manifestation of an unsettled intellect. The intellect
	is dominated by the ego. So confusion is mostly the ego's chatter
	harassing your life. Train the ego to ask fewer questions and answer
	most of the others with "I don't know and I don't care."
6	Frustration stems from the nasty habit of allowing the ego to decide
	the timing and delivery of its desires. If you blindfold the ego with
	discipline and never show it the menu of life, it doesn't bitch about
	the food - it's thrilled that you are eating to keep alive.
7	To pine for an alternative past is a waste of energy. In the pristine
	world of your infinite spiritual self there is no sin or negative
	energy. There is only compassion, learning and unconditional love and
	forgiveness. Remind yourself and those around you of this fact. In the
	light of God everything is healed and seen to be perfect.
8	Once you see that most anger is just a theatrical routine, you can
	diminish it to the irrelevance it deserves. All anger comes from loss.
	All loss is a security issue. All security issues are various
	manifestations of ego. Understand that and most anger becomes

Life, for many, is a futile attempt to become secure in a dimension that is
intrinsically insecure. People constantly fight rather that, rather than accept
the strangeness of the human lesson as a beautiful thing. God must have a
marvelous sense of humour - the contradictions of life are awesome and funny and
very appealing. I find them heroic
	We have to embrace infinity inside a mortal body.
	We have to believe in a god we can't see.
	We have to learn to love in a dimension where there is so much hatred.
	We have to see abundance when people constantly talk of shortages and
	We have to discover freedom where control is the state religion.
	We have to develop self-worth while people criticise and belittle us.
	We have to see beauty where there is ugliness.
	We have to embrace kindness and positive attitudes when surrounded by
	We have to feel safe in spite of our concerns.
Yes, the heroism of our condition is most endearing. Transcendence is nothing
more than learning to accept the contradictions of life without resistance.
Embracing these contradictions is not natural to us. In fact we are taught as
children to resist.
			from Weight loss for the mind by Stuart Wilde

The small Hitlers are around us every day Robert Payne
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Every time you meet a situation, though you think at the time it is an impossibility and you go through the tortures of the damned, once you have met it and lived through it, you find that forever after you are freer than you were before. Eleanor Roosevelt
Only the weak are cruel. Gentleness can only be expected from the strong. Leo Buscaglia
The Prince and the Magician Once upon a time there was a young prince who believed in all things but three. He did not believe in princesses, he did not believe in islands, he did not believe in God. His father, the king, told him that such things did not exist. As there were no princesses or islands in his father's domains, and no signs of God, the prince believed his father. But one day, the prince ran away from his palace. He came to the next land. There to his astonishment, from every coast he saw islands, and on these islands, strange and troubling creatures whom he dared not name. As he was searching for a boat, a man in full evening dress approached him along the shore. "Are those real islands?" asked the young prince. "Of course they are real islands," said the man in evening dress. "And those strange and troubling creatures?" "They are all genuine and authentic princesses." "Then God also must exist!" cried the prince. "I am God," replied the man in full evening dress, with a bow. The young prince returned returned home as quickly as he could. "So you are back," said his father, the king. "I have seen islands, I have seen princesses, I have seen God," said the prince reproachfully. The king was unmoved. "Neither real islands, nor real princesses, nor a real God, exists." "I saw them!" "Tell me how god was dressed." "God was in a full evening dress." "Were the sleeves of his coat rolled back?" The prince remembered that they had been. The king smiled. "That is the uniform of a magician. You have been deceived." At this, the prince returned to the next land, and went to the same shore, where once again he came upon the man in full evening dress. "My father, the king, has told me who you are," said the young prince indignantly. "You deceived me last time, but not again. Now I know that those are not real islands and real princesses, because you are a magician." The man on the shore smiled. "It is you who are deceived, my boy. In your father's kingdom there are many islands and many princesses. But you are under your father's spell, so you cannot see them." The prince returned pensively home. When he saw his father, he looked him in the eyes. "Father, is it true that you are not a real king, but only a magician?" The king smiled and rolled back his sleeves. "Yes my son, I am only a magician." "Then the man on the shore was God." "The man on the shore was another magician." "I must know the real truth, the truth beyond magic." "There is no truth beyond magic," said the king. The prince was full of sadness. He said, "I will kill myself." The king by magic caused death to appear. Death stood in the door and beckoned to the prince. The prince shuddered. He remembered the beautiful but unreal islands and the unreal but beautiful princesses. "Very well," he said. "I can bear it." "You see, my son," said the king, "you too now begin to be a magician." from The Magus by John Fowles
There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. William Shakespeare.
Reasonable men adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable men adapt the world to themselves. That's why all progress depends on unreasonable men. George Bernard Shaw
I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. Old Chinese saying
People travel to wonder at the height of the mountain, at the huge waves of the sea, at the long courses of rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars, and they pass themselves by without wondering. St. Augustine
The world is now too dangerous for anything less than Utopia. Buckminister Fuller
A Bedtime Nightmare Story One day a long time ago a very intelligent and compassionate man told me that there were only a few things in life he couldn't bear. I asked him what he meant by that. He responded "something which he felt he couldn't live with, something which he couldn't stand up under." I got a feeling for what he saying. He was talking about the UNBEARABLE. For most of us the UNBEARABLE is buried away deep in our minds. It is beyond shame and humiliation, although components of these may be present. It often includes the possibility of BEING OUT OF CONTROL. I began conceptualising the UNBEARABLE as a corpuscle buried somewhere deep in the psyche with almost invisible tentacles reaching out to affect our entire life. With this nightmare in mind, I ventured out and gathered information which supported my thesis. About 96% of the people I spoke with were able to admit, recall, or identify some event or thing which they thought was unbearable. However, only 59% admitted to having any daily, weekly, or monthly awareness of the UNBEARABLE. Fewer yet, about 24% were aware that the UNBEARABLE was affecting how they functioned NOW. About 6% agreed that their FEAR of the UNBEARABLE restricted their progress in life and the manifestation of their "true will," or life "calling." One individual likened it to EXTREME STAGE FRIGHT, where she was lost for words, and the entire audience laughed and pointed at her. She even imagined that she lost bladder control and urinated all over herself. In the telling of her story we could sense her physiological terror. Another individual had an image of his son killing himself. He thought that if this ever happened he could no longer live with himself. His life would end. Everything he stood for would disappear. Still another individual who couldn't identify an Unbearable phantasy in the here and now, likened it to being a ten year old boy in a shower with adult men. All the adult males were laughing at his small penis. REGARDLESS of what the unbearable was for each person, each seemed entranced, wide-eyed, almost fixed in terror. The moment passed, and we both retreated to normal consciousness. Waking up from nightmares which we are aware of is a relief. However, living in nightmares of which we have little or no awareness, unable to wake up from is no doubt an awesome fact, something which, if we could all awaken would put an end to the slavery-master metaphor which has immobilised our greatest planetary resource - THE BRAINS. CHILDREN HAVE NIGHTMARES IN ORDER TO WAKE UP. The POWER of the UNBEARABLE is to restrict the free flow form of the individual. It is as if it acts as a prison, made of images, words and expectations. Vast human potential is lost AND DISSIPATED AS HEAT to a greedy atmosphere. The awesome Power of the Unbearable RESTRICTS our thoughts, feelings, actions, bodies and lifestyles flows. WE COMMAND YOU! OR... IF YOU CHOOSE DO IT IT IS EASY AS 1...2...3...????? 1. Find the corpuscle. 2. Look into its Hideous Hairy Heart. 3. BARE the anxiety of the SHOCK. The beast is dead, the Gods are born. Contractions pain the doors of the prison, the womb tears loose and they are BORN AGAIN. The mid wife arrives, Bare the unbearable NOW. MOVE. People have been known to live in the same place, do the same thing day in and day out of fear that the Unbearable might happen. One could say that the CorPusCle of the Unbearable acts like a GOVERNMENT making sure of the whereabouts of its citizens. The corpuscle metaphor with octopus tentacles invisibly reaching and extending into the depths of our lives seems to be a workable and ENGAGING notion expressing and reinforcing the idea that words and images can and do act as drugs expanding and limiting our lives. Becoming aware of and identifying your SECRET NIGHTMARES ans not-so secret CAT/TASK/TROPHIES and your very own personal UNBEARABLES. This NEW INFO contains one of the remaining primal secrets which can actually free you and open you up to the possibilities of a PREGNANT UNIVERSE awaiting the Mid-Wifery of the CYBER_SHAMAN. Mr. Crowley said: "Restriction is Sin." If we need sin, let it be the metaphor of image and word restriction. from A Modern Shaman's Guide to a Pregnant Universe by Christopher S. Hyatt and Antero Alli
The Three Minute Seminar If Neuro-linguistic Programming were ever to be presented in a three minute seminar, it would go something like this. The presenter would walk on and say "Ladies and gentlemen, to be successful in life you need only remember three things." Firstly, know what you want; have a clear idea of your outcome in any situation." "Secondly, be alert and keep your senses open so that you notice what you are getting." "Thirdly, have the flexibility to keep changing what you do until you get what you want." He would then write on the board OUTCOME ACUITY FLEXIBILITY and leave. End of seminar. === The meaning of the communication is the response that you get. === If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got. If what you are doing is not working, do something else. === The Four Stages of Learning 1. Unconscious Incompetence 2. Conscious Incompetence 3. Conscious Competence 4. Unconscious Competence UNLEARNING is 4 to 2 RELEARNING is 2 back to 4 with more choices. from Introducing Neuro-Linguistic Programming: The New Psychology of Personal Excellence by Joseph O'Connor and John Seymour
The Octave of Energy by Robert Anton Wilson The Law of Octaves was first suggested by Pythagoras in ancient Greece. Having observed that the eight notes of the conventional Occidental musical scale were governed by definite mathematical relationships, Pythagoras proceeded to create a whole cosmology based on 8s. In this octagonal model Pythagoras made numerous mistakes, because he was generalising from insufficient data. However, his work was the first attempt in history to unify science, mathematics, art and mysticism into one comprehensible system and as such is still influential. Leary, Crowley and Buckminister Fuller have all described themselves as modern Pythagoreans. In China, roughly contemporary with Pythagoras, the Taoists built up a cosmology based on the interplay of yang (positive) and yin (negative), which produced the eight trigrams of the I Ching, out of which are generated the 64 hexagrams. In India, Buddha announced, after his illumination under the Bodhi tree, the Noble Eightfold Path. Patanjali subsequently reduced the science of yoga to eight 'limbs' or, as we might say, eight 'steps.' The game of chess appeared, somewhere in the East, with a grid based on 8x8 (64) squares. Kepler discovered the laws of planetary motion serendipitously, while trying to make the planets fit into the Pythagorean octave. In the 1860s, English chemist John Newland showed that all the chemical elements fall into eight families. Since Pythagorean mysticism was unfashionable at that time, Newland was literally laughed at and rejected by the Royal Chemical Society. In the 1870s, with much more detail than Newland, the Russian chemist Mendeleyev proved once and for all that the elements do, indeed, fall into eight families. His Periodic Table of the Elements, an octave of hauntingly Pythagorean harmony, hangs in every high-school chemistry class today. (The Royal Society later apologised to Newland and gave him a Gold Medal.) Nikolai Tesla invented the alternating current generator which unleashed the modern technological revolution after a series of visions in which, among other things, Tesla 'saw' that everything in the universe obeys a law of Octaves. Modern geneticists have found that the DNA-RNA 'dialogue' -- the molecular information system governing life and evolution - it transmitted by 64 (8x8) codons. R. Buckminister Fuller, in his Synergetic-Energetic Geometry, which he claims is the 'co-ordinate system of the Universe,' reduces all phenomena to geometric-energetic constructs based on the tetrahedron (4-sided), the octet truss (8-sided) and the coupler (8-faceted with 24 phases). Fuller argues specifically that the 8-face, 24-phase coupler underlies the 8-fold division of the chemical elements on the Mendeleyev Periodic Table. In 1973, unaware of Fuller's coupler - which I called to his attention later - Dr. Leary began to divide his 8 circuits into a 24-stage Periodic Table of Evolution (see diagram). Leary also began attempting to correlate this with the Periodic Table of Elements in chemistry. The eight families of elements are: 1. Alkalis 2. Alkalines 3. Borons 4. Carbons 5. Nitrogens 6. Oxygens 7. Halogens 8. Noble Gases The first four families, Leary argues, are terrestrial; that is, they are heavy and tend to fall to Earth. The second four families are extraterrestrial; that is, they tend to float off into space. Similarly, he says, the first four circuits of the nervous system are terrestrial; their function is to control survival and reproduction at the bottom of the 4,000-mile gravity well in which we presently live. The second four circuits, then, are extraterrestrial; they will come into full play only when we live normally in zero-gravity - in free space. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE PERIODIC TABLE OF EVOLUTION ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CIRCUIT DENDRITIC CELL BODY AXONIC FUNCTION FUNCTION FUNCTION (Input) (Integrative) (Output) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NeuroAtomic | Cosmic | Cosmic | Cosmic | Consciousness | Engineering | Fusion ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NeuroGenetic | DNA Awareness | DNA Engineering | DNA Fusion ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NeuroElectric| ESP | The Neurologician | 'The Conscious | Precognition | (the shaman) | Circle of | | | Humanity' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NeuroSomatic | Hedonic | Hedonic | Hedonic | Passivity | Engineering | Synergy | | (Yoga) | (Tantra) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Domestic | The Adolescent | The Parent | Centralized (SocioSexual)| (Barbarian Bands) | (Patriarchal | Socialism | | Civilization) | (Hive-Unity) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Laryngeal- | The Learning | The Skillful | The Creative Manual | Child | Child | Child (Symbolic) | (Paleolithic) | (Neolithic) | (Bronze Age) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Emotional- | The Toddler | The Fighting Child | The Political Territorial | (trickster mammal) | (predator mammal) | Child | | | (pack-bonding) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bio-Survival | The Newborn | The Demanding | Mother-Child | (unicellular | Infant | bonding | consciousness) | (marine | (amphibian | | consciousness) | consciousness) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Read from the bottom up. Every infant begins at 'The Newborn'; every adult arrives at least at 'Centralized Socialism' (although the Control Center or major input may be back at 'The Toddler' or 'The Fighting Child' or in any slot). So-called geniuses, mystics or weird people with wild (psionic) talents are post-larval and may reach any slot from 'Centralized Socialism' to 'Cosmic Fusion.' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- If the higher circuits have been appearing (partially and in rare mutants) for a few thousand years this is because the DNA blueprint is gradually modifying us for future evolution. If higher circuit functions are increasing at an accelerating rate, as many parapsychologists think, it is because we are now mutating rapidly toward extraterrestrial migration. Mathematically, the first four circuits are Euclidean-Newtonian, orienting us to the 3-dimensional space and 1-dimensional time of planetary life. The second four circuits are Fullerian-Einsteinian, orienting us to interstellar zero-gravity. It is possible to see the development of an individual (if s/he evolves all the way to the 8th circuit) and the development of life itself as the working out of this Octave of Evolution. Thus: Individual Life Circuit I infant bio-survival uni-cellular life passivity Circuit II 'toddler' emotional vertebrate life, politics (ego) territoriality, hierarchy Circuit III student Mind hominid languages and tool-making Circuit IV post-pubescent urbanized civilization domesticity Circuit V neurosomatic free-fall (extraterrestrial rapture migration) Circuit VI neuroelectric Intelligence squared metaprogramming Circuit VII neurogenetic immortality consciousness Circuit VIII satori Cosmic Union But this is strikingly similar to the teachings of Gurdjieff (which may be, according to many, the secret inner teachings of Sufism). The Gurdjieff vibration numbers and the levels of consciousness, as named by Gurdjieff, fit the table as follows: 384 Movement center Circuit I Invertebrate reality 192 False emotional center Circuit II Mammalian reality 96 False intellectual center Circuit III Paleolithic reality 48 False personality Circuit IV Civilized reality 24 Magnetic Center Circuit V Hedonic reality 12 True Emotional center Circuit VI Psionic reality 6 True Intellectual center Circuit VII Immortal reality 3 The Essence Circuit VIII Cosmic reality Leary began to divide the 8 circuits into 24 phases when he became convinced each circuit has an input phase, a decision-making pahse, and an output phase. (On the synaptic level, this appears as dendrites, receiving signals; cell-bodies, making decisions; and axions, transmitting signals.) This 24-stage chart can be correlated with the Hebrew alphabet, thereby casting new light on the Cabala; with the Tarot cards (a Sufi invention, it is claimed); and with the Zodiac (if we allow 12 extraterrestrial types to complete the 12 terrestrial types of traditional astrology). These correlations are not indicated on the diagram; a full explanation will be found in two later books. Working independently of Leary and myself, Prof. Peter Flessel of the University of San Francisco has begun developing correlations between the 8x8 codons of the genetic code and the 8x8 hexagrams of the I Ching, which he will be publishing soon. It is to be hoped that in further work on the Leary Periodic Table, Flessel's correlations and Fuller's 24-phase geometric coupler, science will eventually find a 'Rosetta Stone' by which the traditional symbols of occultism can be decoded in modern, operational, scientific categories. It will be seen by the thoughtful reader that this emerging synthesis evades entirely the usual dichotomy of 'spiritual' versus 'material,' being purely geometric-energetic. It is thus in the same philosophical category as the unitary systems of the East (Zen, Taoism, Vedanta, etc.) and outside the dualisms of Greek logic and Christian theology. Any attempt to describe this octave as 'mystical' or as 'materialistic' misses the real point of Leary's
Excerpts from The Illuminatus! Trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson with Robert Shea, � ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Midget versus the Digits The Midget, whose name was Markoff Chaney, was no relative of the famous Chaneys of Hollywood, but people did keep making jokes about that. It was bad enough to be, by the standards of the gigantic and stupid majority, a freak; how much worse to be so named as to remind these big oversized clods of the cinema's two most famous portrayers of monstro-freaks; by the time the Midget was fifteen, he had built up a detestation for ordinary mankind that dwarfed (he hated that word) the relative misanthropies of Paul of Tarsus, Clement of Alexandria, Swift of Dublin and even Robert Putney Drake. Revenge, for sure, he would have. He would have revenge... Damn the science of mathematics itself, the line, the square, the average, the whole measurable world that pronounced him a bizarre random factor. Once and for all, beyond fantasy, in the depth of his soul he declared war on the "statutory ape," on law and order, on predictability, on negative entropy. He would be a random factor in every equation; from this day forward, unto death, it would be civil war: the Midget versus the Digits.... His first overt act began in Dayton the following Saturday. He was in Norton's Emporium, a glorified 5 & 10 � store, when he saw the sign: NO SALESPERSON MAY LEAVE THE FLOOR WITHOUT THE AUTHORIZATION OF A SUPERIOR. THE MGT. What! he thought, are the poor girls supposed to pee in their panties if they can't find a superior? Years of school came back to him ("Please, may I leave the room, sir?") and rituals which had appeared nonsensical suddenly made sense in a sinister way. They were trying to reduce us all to predictable units, robots. Hah!...The following Wednesday, the Midget was back at Norton's and hiding in a coffee urn when the staff left and locked up. A few moments later, the sign was down and a subtly different one was in its place: NO SALESPERSON MAY LEAVE THE FLOOR OR GO TO THE DOOR WITHOUT THE AUTHORIZATION OF A SUPERIOR. THE MGT. He came back several times in the next few weeks, and the sign remained. It was as he suspected: in a rigid hierarchy, nobody questions orders that seem to come from above, and those at the very top are so isolated from the actual work situation that they never see what is going on below. It was the chains of communication, not the means of production, that determined a social process.. Nothing signed "THE MGT." would ever be challenged; the Midget could always pass himself off as the Management. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fnord ``Very nice,'' I said. ``But why did you bring me up here?'' ``It's time for you to see the fnords,'' he replied. Then I woke up in bed and it was the next morning. I made breakfast in a pretty nasty mood, wondering if I'd seen the fnords, whatever the hell they were, in the hours he had blacked out, or if I would see them as soon as I went out into the street. I had some pretty gruesome ideas about them, I must admit. Creatures with three eyes and tentacles, survivors from Atlantis, who walked among us, invisible due to some form of mind shield, and did hideous work for the Illuminati. It was unnerving to contemplate, and I finally gave in to my fears and peeked out the window, thinking it might be better to see them from a distance first. Nothing. Just ordinary sleepy people, heading for their busses and subways. That calmed me a little, so I set out the toast and coffee and fetched the New York Times from the hallway. I turned the radio to WBAI and caught some good Vivaldi, sat down, grabbed a piece of toast and started skimming the first page. Then I saw the fnords. The feature story involved another of the endless squabbles between Russia and the U.S. in the UN General Assembly, and after each direct quote from the Russian delegate I read a quite distinct ``Fnord!'' The second lead was about a debate in congress on getting the troops out of Costa Rica; every argument presented by Senator Bacon was followed by another ``Fnord!'' At the bottom of the page was a Times depth-type study of the growing pollution problem and the increasing use of gas masks among New Yorkers; the most distressing chemical facts were interpolated with more ``Fnords.'' Suddenly I saw Hagbard's eyes burning into me and heard his voice: ``Your heart will remain calm. Your adrenalin gland will remain calm. Calm, all-over calm. You will not panic. you will look at the fnord and see the it. You will not evade it or black it out. you will stay calm and face it.'' And further back, way back: my first-grade teacher writing FNORD on the blackboard, while a wheel with a spiral design turned and turned on his desk, turned and turned, and his voice droned on, IF YOU DON'T SEE THE FNORD IT CAN'T EAT YOU, DON'T SEE THE FNORD, DON'T SEE THE FNORD . . . I looked back at the paper and still saw the fnords. This was one step beyond Pavlov, I realized. The first conditioned reflex was to experience the panic reaction (the activation syndrome, it's technically called) whenever encountering the word ``fnord.'' The second conditioned reflex was to black out what happened, including the word itself, and just to feel a general low-grade emergency without knowing why. And the third step, of course, was to attribute this anxiety to the news stories, which were bad enough in themselves anyway. Of course, the essence of control is fear. The fnords produced a whole population walking around in chronic low-grade emergency, tormented by ulcers, dizzy spells, nightmares, heart palpitations and all the other symptoms of too much adrenalin. All my left-wing arrogance and contempt for my countrymen melted, and I felt a genuine pity. No wonder the poor bastards believe anything they're told, walk through pollution and overcrowding without complaining, watch their son hauled off to endless wars and butchered, never protest, never fight back, never show much happiness or eroticism or curiosity or normal human emotion, live with perpetual tunnel vision, walk past a slum without seeing either the human misery it contains or the potential threat it poses to their security . . . Then I got a hunch, and turned quickly to the advertisements. it was as I expected: no fnords. That was part of the gimmick, too: only in consumption, endless consumption, could they escape the amorphous threat of the invisible fnords. I kept thinking about it on my way to the office. If I pointed out a fnord to somebody who hadn't been deconditioned, as Hagbard deconditioned me, what would he or she say? They'd probably read the word before or after it. ``No this word,'' I'd say. And they would again read an adjacent word. But would their panic level rise as the threat came closer to consciousness? I preferred not to try the experiment; it might have ended with a psychotic fugue in the subject. The conditioning, after all, went back to grade school. No wonder we all hate those teachers so much: we have a dim, masked memory of what they've done to us in converting us into good and faithful servants for the Illuminati. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Robert P. Drake's Tarot Reading c. 1928 "You have the talent," Drake said coldly, "but you are still basically a fraud, like everyone in this business. Your worst victim, madam, is yourself. You deceive yourself with the lies that you have so often told others. It's the occupational disease of mystics. The truth is that it doesn't matter whether I destroy myself alone or destroy this planet -- or turn around and try to find my way to the right-hand path in some dreary monastery. The universe will roll blindly along, not caring, not even knowing. There's no Granddaddy in the clouds to pass a last judgement -- there's only a few airplanes up there, learning more and more about how to carry bombs. They court-martialed General Mitchell for saying it, but it's the truth. The next time around they'll really bomb the hell out of civilian populations. And the universe won't know or care about that either. Don't tell me that my flight from Death leads back to Death; I'm not a child, and I know that all paths lead back to Death eventually. The only question is: Do you cower before him all your life, or do you spit in his eye?" "You can transcend abject fear and rebellious hatred both. You can see that he is only a part of the Great Wheel and, like all other parts, necessary to the whole. Then you can accept him." "Next you'll be telling me to love him." "That too." "Yes, and I can learn to see the great and glorious Whole Picture. I can see all the men defecating and urinating in their trousers before they died at Chateau-Thierry, watching their own guts fall out into their laps and screaming out of a hole that isn't even a mouth anymore, as manifestations of that sublime harmony and balance which is ineffable and holy and beyond all speech and reason. Sure, I can see that, if I knock half my brain out of commission and hypnotize myself into thinking that the view from that weird perspective is deeper and wider and more truly true than the view from an unclouded mind. Go to the quadruple-amputee ward and try to tell them that. You speak of death as a personified being. Very well: Then I must regard him as any other entity that gets in my way. Love is a myth invented by poets and other people who couldn't face the world and crept off into corners to create fantasies to console themselves. The fact is that when you meet another entity, either it makes way for you or you make way for it. Either it dominates and you submit, or you dominate and it submits. Take me into any club in Boston and I'll tell you which millionaire has the most millions, by the way the others treat him. Take me into any workingman's bar and I'll tell you who has the best punch in a fistfight, by the way the others treat him. Take me into any house and I'll tell you in a minute whether the husband or the wife is dominant. Love? Equality? Reconciliation? Acceptance? Those are the excuses of the losers, to persuade themselves that they chose their condition and weren't beaten down into it. Find a dutiful wife, one who truly loves her husband. I'll have her in my bed in three days, maximum. Because I'm so damned attractive? No, because I understand men and women. I'll make her understand, without saying it aloud and shocking her, that the adultery will, one way or another, hurt her husband, whether he knows about it or not. Show me the most servile colored waiter in the best restaurant in town, and after he's through explaining Christianity and humility and all the rest of it, count how many times he steps into the kitchen to spit in his handkerchief. The other employees will tell you he has a 'chest condition.' The condition he has is chronic rage. The mother and the child? An endless power struggle. Listen to the infant's cry change in pitch when Mother doesn't come at once. Is that fear you hear? It's rage. Insane fury at not having total dominance. As for the mother herself, I'd wager that ninety percent of the married women in the psychiatrists' care are there because they can't admit to themselves, can't escape the lie of love long enough to admit to themselves, how often they want to strangle that monster in the nursery. Love of country? Another lie; the truth is fear of cops and prisons. Love of art? Another lie; the truth is fear of the naked truth without ornaments and false faces on it. Love of truth itself? The biggest lie of all: fear of the unknown. People learn acceptance of all this and achieve wisdom? The surrender to superior force and call their cowardice maturity. It still comes down to one question: Are you kneeling at the altar, or are you on the altar watching the others kneel to you?" "The wheel of the Tarot is the wheel of Dharma," Mama Sutra said softly when he had concluded. "It is also the wheel of the galaxy, which you see as a blind machine. It rolls on, as you say, no matter what we think or do. Knowing that, I can accept Death as another part of the wheel, and I can accept your nonacceptance as another part. I can control neither. I can only repeat my warning, which is not a lie but a fact about the structure of the Wheel: By denying death, you guarantee that you will meet him finally in his most hideous form."
They who have put out the peoples' eyes reproach them of their blindness John Milton 1642
The Celestine Prophecy - The Nine Insights The Nine Insights, by James Redfield, summary by Alan Atkisson (Aug/94) #1. Feeling restless? You're not alone: Everybody's starting to look for more meaning in life. Start paying closer attention to those seemingly 'Chance Coincidences' - strange occurrences that feel like they were meant to happen. They are actually synchronistic events, and following them will start you on your path to spiritual truth. #2. Observe our culture within its proper historical context. The first half of the past millennium was spent under the thumb of the church; in the second half we became preoccupied with material comfort. Now, at the end of the twentieth century, we've exhausted that preoccupation. We're ready to discover life's ultimate purpose. #3. Start to get acquainted with the subtle energy that infuses all things. With practice, you can learn to see the aura around any living being and to project your own energy around it to give it strength. #4. An unconscious competition for energy underlies all conflicts. By dominating or manipulating others, we get the extra energy we think we need. Sure, it feels good - but both parties are damaged in the conflict. #5. The key to overcoming conflict in the world is the mystical experience, which is available to everyone. To nurture the mystical and build your energy, allow yourself to be filled with a sense of love. #6. Childhood traumas block our ability to fully experience the mystical. All humans, because of their upbringing, tend toward one of four 'control dramas': Intimidators steal energy from others by threat. Interrogators steal it by judging and questioning. Aloof people attract attention (and energy) to themselves by playing coy. And Poor me's make us feel guilty and responsible for them. Become aware of the family dynamics that created your control drama and you can focus on your essential question, which is how to make of your life a higher- level synthesis of your parents' lives. #7. Once cleared of traumas, you can build energy through contemplation and meditation, focus on you basic life question, and start riding a steady stream of intuitions, dreams, and synchronistic coincidences, all guiding you in the direction of your own evolution and transformation. #8. That evolution can't be done alone, so begin to practice the new 'Interpersonal Ethic' by uplifting those who cross your path. Talk to people who make spontaneous eye contact with you. Avoid codependent relationships. Be there for people. Call attention to other people's control dramas. In groups, speak when the spirit (instead of the ego) moves you. #9. Our purpose here is to evolve beyond this plane. Fewer people (a result of reproductive abstinence) and more old-growth forests will help us to sustain our energy and accelerate our evolution. Technology will do most of our work for us. As we begin to value spiritual insight more and more, we will pay those who bring it to us, and this will eventually replace the market economy and our need for paid employment. We can connect to God's energy in such a way that we will eventually become beings of light, and walk straight into heaven. - Alan Atkisson, New Age Journal, August, 1994
Various charts and tabular representations of the human energy octave taken from the works of Leary, Alli, Gurdjieff and Roddenberry. (RAW) A message is the ordering of a signal. This message is the framework of an alternative education system, one which arranges living planetary signals into meaningful messages. These signals come in octaves, or cycles of eight. Languages throughout history have translated these signals as: The Overtones of Music Theory, The DNA Code, The I Ching, Computer Binary Notation, The 8 Mayan Calenders, The Game of Chess and other interpretations of the universal law of octaves.' - Antero Alli * Leary's Eight Circuits of the Nervous System [1] [2] [3] * Alli's labeling scheme [1] [2] * RAW renders Gurdjieff * Roddenberry calls it Star Trek * Lilly tabulates levels of Samadhi ___________________________________________________________________________ From "Info-Psychology" Leary Exo-Psychology, NeuroLogic The Eight Circuits of the Nervous System (also known as Eight Brains, Intelligences, Functions) The Terrestrial Circuits 1. The Biosurvival Circuit: Imprinted in infancy. Concerned with sucking, nourishment, cuddling, biosecurity. [Physical Intelligence] 2. The Emotional-Territorial Circuit: Imprinted in the toddling stage. Concerned with territorial demands, emotional power tactics, political domination-and-submission strategies. [Emotional Intelligence] 3. The Semantic Circuit: Imprinted by human artifacts and symbol systems. Concerned with handling the environment, invention, calculation, prediction, building a 'map' of the universe. [Conceptual Intelligence] 4. The Socio-Sexual Circuit: Imprinted by the first orgasm-mating experiences and tribal 'morals.' Concerned with sexual pleasure, local definitions of 'moral' and 'immoral,' reproduction, nurture of the young. [Social Intelligence] The Extraterrestrial Circuits 5. The Neurosomatic Circuit: Imprinted by ecstatc experience via physiological or chemical yogas. Concerned with neurological-somatic (body-brain) feedbacks, feeling high, somatic reprogramming. [Sensory Intelligence] 6. The Neuroelectric Circuit: Imprinted by advanced yogas. Concerned with reimprinting and reprogramming all earlier circuits, relativity of 'realities' perceived, cybernetic consciousness. [Psychic Intelligence 7. The Neurogenetic Circuit: Imprinted by advanced yogas. Concerned with evolutionary consciousness (past and future), DNA-RNA-Brain feedbacks, Jung's 'Collective Unconscious.' [Mythic Intelligence] 8. The Neuroatomic Circuit: Imprinted by shock or near-death experience. Concerned with quantum consciousness, non-local awareness (beyond spacetime), so-called 'PSI' or 'magick' powers, illumination. [Spiritual Intelligence] ___________________________________________________________________________ From "The Game of Life" Leary Level of Intelligence Medium of Operation Ecological Niche Reality Goal ------------ ---------------------- -------------------------- ------------ Spiritual - Subatomic Mysteries - Atomic/Gravity fields - Cosmic mind Mythic - DNA and the Planet - DNA structure - DNA Mind Psychic - CNS - One's own Brain - Mind Control Sensory - The Body's 5 Senses - One's own Body - Body Control ==CHAPEL==PERILOUS========================================================= Social - Code of Ethics - Monotheistic Hive:City - Socio/Sex Role Conceptual - Conceptual Framework - Man-made Symbol/Artifact - Hive Sanity Emotional - Belief Systems - Land - Herd Security Physical - The Organism - Water - Safety ==CHAPEL==PERILOUS== is an initiatory phase marking the transition between the first four intelligences and the latter four. It relates to post-Factor X activities in that both refer to 'out-of-body' states. However, CHAPEL PERILOUS is where souls go when they are lost and Factor X communications refer to how souls are found. CHAPEL PERILOUS is the place 'souls' go after leaving their robot bodies...while these bodies are still alive and walking the planet's surface. Also known as 'The Dark Night of the Soul.' Can also be seen as a negative activation of the 'neurosomatic circuit,' which is endured for as long as it takes the neophyte to effect a positive activation, or permanent body rapture. ___________________________________________________________________________ From "The Game of Life" Leary Additional Labels for the functions: Level of Intelligence Childhood Self-Actualization Migration 2 new hive ------------ ------------------ ------------------- --------------------- Spiritual - Mythic - Insect Awareness The DNA Mind Conscious Symbiosis Psychic - Electronic Consumer Reality Fabrication Brain Fusing Sensory - Self-Indulgence Body Control Tantric Linkage Social - Impersonation Domestication Egalitatrian Conceptual - Paleolithic Neolithic Tribal Emotional - Small animal Large Animal Monkey-Gestural Physical - Amoeboid Fish Amphibian ___________________________________________________________________________ From "Angel Tech," pp.11 Alli Level of Intelligence Absorbing Organizing Communicating ------------ --------- ---------- ------------- Spiritual - Paradox Dreaming Factor X Mythic - Synchronicity Alchemy Astrology Psychic - Clairvoyance Reality Selection Designing a Tarot Sensory - Rature Ritual Charisma Social - Adolescence Adulthood Collectivization Conceptual - Paying Attention Map-making & Naming Articulation Emotional - Self-expression Status Personal Power Physical - Passivity Safety Nourishment ___________________________________________________________________________ From "Angel Tech," pp.10 Alli External -------------- Internal Physical Intelligence - Dependence - Sensory Intelligence Passivity supports Rapture Safety supports Ritual Nourishment supports Charisma Emotional Intelligence - Freedom - Psychic Intelligence Self-Expression supports Clairvoyance Status supports Reality Selection Personal Power supports Designing a Tarot Conceptual Intelligence - Networking - Mythic Intelligence Paying Attention supports Synchronicity Map Making and Naming supports Alchemy Articulation supports Astrology Social Intelligence - Projection - Spiritual Intelligence Adolescence supports Paradox Adulthood supports Dreaming Collectivization supports Factor X ___________________________________________________________________________ From "Cosmic Trigger," pp.213 RAW's Gurdjieff/Leary correspondence The Gurdjieff vibration numbers and the levels of consciousness: 384 Movement center - Circuit 1 Invertebrate reality 192 False emotional center - Circuit 2 Mammalian reality 96 False intellectual center - Circuit 3 Paleolithic reality 48 False personality - Circuit 4 Civilized reality 24 Magnetic Center - Circuit 5 Hedonic reality 12 True Emotional Center - Circuit 6 Psionic reality 6 True Intellectual Center - Circuit 7 Immortal reality 3 The Essence - Circuit 8 Cosmic reality ___________________________________________________________________________ From "The Center of the Cyclone," pp.148 Lilly Gurdjieff States Vibration of Con- Level sciousness Samadhi* Description ----- ---------- ------------ ----------------------------------------- 3 + 3 Dharma-Megha Making the Ma'hdi. Classical Satori. Fusion Samadhi with universal mind, union with God; being one with the creators of energy from the void, in the Ma'h spiritual center above the head. 6 + 6 Sasmita- Making the Buddha. A point source of nir bija consciousness, energy, light, and love. Point of consciousness, astral travel, traveling clairvoyance, traveling clairaudience, fusion with other entities in time. In the Path mental center in the head. 12 +12 Sananda Blissful state, making the Christ the green qutub, realization of baraka, the reception of divine grace, cosmic love, cosmic energy, heightened bodily awareness, highest function of bodily and planetside consciousness, being in love, being in a positive LSD energy state. In the 0th emotional center in the chest. 24 +24 Vicara The level of professional Satori or of basic Satori. All the needed programs are in the unconscious of the biocomputer, operating smoothly, the self is lost in pleasurable activities that one knows best and like to do. In the Kath moving center in the lower belly. 48 +/-48 Vitarka The neutral biocomputer state, the state for the absorption and the transmission of new ideas; for the reception and transmission of new data and new programs; doing teaching and learning with maximum facilitation, neither in a positive of a negative state, neutral. On the earth. 96 -24^ N/A - Negative state; pain, guilt fear, doing what one has to do but in a state of pain, guilt, fear; the state of slightly too much alcohol; of a small amount of opium, of the first stages of lack of sleep. 192 -12 Extremely negative body state where one is still in the body, as in an intense migraine attack, in which one's own consciousness is shrunk down and inhibited and the awareness is only in the present in one's pain. The pain is such that one cannot work or do one's usual duties. A limitation is placed upon one's self, one is isolated, a bad inner state. 384 - 6 Similar to +6 except that it is extremely negative. A purgatory-like situation in which one is only a point source of consciousness and energy; fear, pain, guilt in the extreme; meaninglessness prominent. 768 - 3 Like +3 in that one is fused with other entities throughout the universe but these are all bad and one's self is bad and meaningless. This is the quintessence of evil, the deepest hell of which one can conceive. This can be an extremely high energy state lasting eternally, though by planetside clock one is there only for a few minutes. No hope in this state. No hope of escape from it. One is there forever. (See the Cosmic Computer write-up in the chapter "The Guided Tour of Hell" in Center of the Cyclone, 1972) * These are from the Science of Yoga, by I.K. Taimni ^ Negative spaces have no real location; each is imagined as located in same region as corresponding positive space. ___________________________________________________________________________ From "Cosmic Trigger," pp.209 Roddenberry Star Trek E - Transporter beam, Sensors DNA - Aliens Mind - Computer, Prime Directive Body - Enterprise Social - alternately paternalistic/romantic Captain Kirk Conceptual - logical science-officer Mr. Spock Emotional - emotional and sentimental Dr. McCoy Physical - life-support and defence-system engineer Scotty

Question Authority, think for yourself
Nothing is true. Ever-thing is permissible

Love is the law, love under will.

Last updated Mon Nov 27 16:05:41 GMT 1995 by