the haberdashery: clunkgal

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  • Clunkgal static photo gallery software


    Clunkgal is a script and accompanying templates that will generate a complete, user-friendly static HTML photo gallery from your photo collection.

    It is designed to generate a very lightweight and secure photo gallery for your website, comprised solely of static HTML pages based on templates, which are editable.

    Clunkgal is released under the GPL free software licence, version 2.


    The BASH scripting language and the ImageMagick graphics manipulation suite are all that is required to run the software. Linux is recommended, but other Unices and possibly even Windows (via Cygwin) can play too.

    This means that no web scripting language (e.g. PHP, Perl, etc) nor database software is required, allowing the gallery to be hosted on servers with very modest hardware specifications. In fact, this server ( is presently hosted on a 10 year old Digital Venturis 5120, which is a Pentium 120 with 48 MB of RAM and 1.2 gigabyte of hard disk.


    Version 1.0, 10 May 2007

    Sample gallery

    View the sample gallery here.