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Rheinstetten, Baden-Württemberg, Germany
Sunday, August 8, 2010

Fabio, the young Italian cyclist who had never cycled until 5 months earlier, and I decided to ride together to Karlsruhe since we were going the same way.

We gave his bike a looking over in the morning before leaving and I tried to pass on some basics of bike maintenance that he didn't already know.

Cycling back up to Karlsruhe the weather was perfect and Fabio and I got off to a good start, deciding to stay on sealed roads for the trip instead of following the stony and circuitous off-road way I'd used on my way down to Strasbourg.

However, at the place I'd envisaged our crossing, we found on arrival that I had mistaken a ferry crossing on the map to be a bridge and that furthermore the ferry was not operating. We continued to the next crossing right opposite Karlsruhe and found that wasn't running either, in fact due to the Rhine being too high, so we rolled on to the next bridge at Wörth am Rhein and naughtily crossed by way of the highway.

We parted ways at the outskirts of Karlsruhe, then I rode down to Alex's place once again and stayed a couple of nights.

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